To run co-operatives with diligence and thrift it is necessary to raise labour productivity, practice strict economy, reduce costs of production, institute economic accounting and combat extravagance and waste. 要严格地节约,反浪费。全国上下必须厉行节约,节省花费。要勤俭办社,就要提高劳动生产率,严格节约,降低成本,实行经济核算,反对铺张浪费。
This paper analyses the influence of computerized accounting to daily financial affairs, including the function and division of labour of accountants, the keeping form of accounting archives, the form of data processing and the inner control method and control technology. 文章从会计人员的分工与职能、会计档案的保管形式、会计信息系统处理数据的方式和会计部门内部控制方法与控制技术等几个方面分析了会计电算化对企业财务工作的影响。
The Definition of Production Labour and the National Accounting 论生产劳动的界定与国民经济核算
Expound the different four gradations of Marx's production labor theory. The Definition of Production Labour and the National Accounting 论述了马克思生产劳动理论的四个层次的不同内容。论生产劳动的界定与国民经济核算
Natural labour is 83 cases, accounting for 43%; 阴道分娩83例,占总数43%;
The Consideration of the Labour Debt Accounting 劳动债务会计思考